Mercury and Venus! 17.03.2018
The weather from the morning stayed the same! :D After the Sun went under the horizon, I put my telescope out once again, Venus and Mercury were on the western sky! It turned out, I had to carry my telescope almost 200 meters! Otherwise, the buildings were hiding the planets :/ also, my dslr had to small zoom in the telescope, so I had to use this old, bad method... holding phone in front of eyepiece :p It turned out pretty well! (at least for Venus) I've been waiting to see Venus again for like a year... I'll probably mod a small webcam soon so I can catch better, more stable pics ;) more planets are coming to the night sky soon! Eyepiece: skywatcher 6 mm Phone (camera): Samsung Galaxy S7 (I don't have anything to mount it in front of eyepiece so I just held it in my hands) Mercury (a bit out of focus): Venus: Venus going down just a bit above the horizon: