Hello! Last night was very clear! I decided to put my telescope out on paralactic mount, I also found out I can barely fit it in my small garden, so now I can take pics more comfortable way (I don't have to be right next to my telescope all the time). I tried multiple objects waiting for Whirlpool Galaxy to get from behind the building, I hit M109, Black Eye Galaxy and some other galaxy (I don't remember the name) that was pretty close to Black Eye Galaxy, but all these were too dim. Once Whirlpool showed up, I immediately pointed my telescope at it, luckily I got it right in the middle of frame on the 1st try (it's hard for me to target something right above). As it was so high, the seeing conditions were great! I took ~1 hour of exposure, in 30 second photos, then I also took new dark frames and flat frames. Today in the morning, I stacked it up and this is the result! I hope you like it! :D I am very happy with it, tho I didn't get any color, I'll try longer expo...