
Showing posts from April, 2018

Sun active region 2706 April 21st 2018

Hello again! Just a quick update on the region that appeared in the Sun couple of days ago. It's named 2706 and it just produced some serious spots! I see around 10 spots there :D Location: Warsaw Synta 6" with dobsonian mount Samsung Galaxy S7 6mm eyepiece with IR-cut baader filter (+virtual filter) close up view:

Active region moving towards the center as the Sun rotates! Nice spots! April 20th 2018

Hello again! Nice blue sky did not let me leave the Sun alone, I had to spy it and it's new region! :p Unfortunatelly still does not show region number :/ it turned out nicely anyway! Synta 6" on dobsonian mount Samsung Galaxy S7

Leo's triplet - 2nd attempt! [M65] [M66] [NGC3628]

Good morning! Last night I pointed my telescope at the constellation of Leo again, in hunt for its triplet! These galaxies are easy to find, I got them in frame on 1st try! This time I also got 3rd galaxy in frame, but after a while, it moved out of the picture, that's why it's so grainy... I will definitely take another try on Leo, I want the whole triplet in 1 picture and in nice quality! Also in like a week or two I'll try taking pics of the Black Eye galaxy, so stay tuned! ISO: 1600 Exposure: 100x30s Location: Warsaw

Very active region on the Sun is coming! April 19th 2018

Ayyy! Today, before going to school for 2/3 part of my trail exams, I took a quick look at the Sun! Here are the results :) As far as I know this region does not have a number yet. I'll tell you what number it is as fast as I know it! Localisation: Warsaw Filters: ND-5, baader IR cut + virtual filter for better visibility

2 out of Leo's triplet! 17th april 2018 [m65] [m66]

Hello there! Yesterday night was nice and clear! I put my telescope in the garden and looked into sky map for something interesting. After a couple of tries on Cigaro and Bode's galaxies (could not target them) I moved onto Leo and I got it on 1st try! I took ~hour of exposure. Unfortunatelly, I lost focus a bit and the photos were taken towards very light polluted part of the sky so it's not perfect... Also, that chinese 128 gigs sd card broke, taking away 2 mins of exp, not a big loss, but it also took flat frames which is bad.... anyway, I will be revisiting leo for sure! Iso:1600 Exposure: 71x30s (after removing bad frames) Location: Warsaw 10 darks No flats (rip) I also applied a filter to it so it's a bit better looking :)

Whirlpool Galaxy [m51] 15th April 2018

Hello! Last night was very clear! I decided to put my telescope out on paralactic mount, I also found out I can barely fit it in my small garden, so now I can take pics more comfortable way (I don't have to be right next to my telescope all the time). I tried multiple objects waiting for Whirlpool Galaxy to get from behind the building, I hit M109, Black Eye Galaxy and some other galaxy (I don't remember the name) that was pretty close to Black Eye Galaxy, but all these were too dim. Once Whirlpool showed up, I immediately pointed my telescope at it, luckily I got it right in the middle of frame on the 1st try (it's hard for me to target something right above). As it was so high, the seeing conditions were great! I took ~1 hour of exposure, in 30 second photos, then I also took new dark frames and flat frames. Today in the morning, I stacked it up and this is the result! I hope you like it! :D I am very happy with it, tho I didn't get any color, I'll try longer expo...

Sunspot group 2704! 6 SPOTS! 13.04.2018 (Friday the 13th :p)

Hello there! Today when I was coming back from school, I checked to see if there are any spots on the Sun... and there are! A lot of them in fact! Once I got home, I immediately out my telescope out (with ND-5 filter of course) and tried to take a pic of them. I also tried looking thru the eyepiece this time (I had problems locating the spots on the camera screen) and it looked amazing! I started with 25mm eyepiece, then moved to 10mm one and finally to 6mm. It turned out that phone+eyepiece setup worked better than DSLR.... I'll probably buy myself barlow lense so I can take pictures of solar system objects in higher resolution. After a little bit of editing (removing dust, putting higher contrast etc.) this is the effect I go :) 6mm eyepiece + Samsung galaxy S7 automatic settings

ISS telescope catch! 1st try and 1st success!

Hello! In Last post I said I will try catching ISS again soon and I did! Today, for the first time I tried catching it thru my telescope and I succeed! As for the first time I think it turned out great! Of course it's nothing like the other pics of ISS but still good for begginning! :D Those are two best frames I got :) Camera: Canon 1300d (not phone! Turns out I get similar quality and zoom with DSLR on full res as with my most powerful eyepiece and phone!) ISO:1600 Exposure:1/1600s Location: Warsaw Here are two best frames and reference picture from mobile app Star Walk 2 (very useful!) Here is worse frame, but it shows structures of the solar panels nicely:

Science YouTube channel?!

Hello everyone! Last time I decided to finally start my youtube channel about SCIENCE! It will be mostly astronomy still, but I don't wanna limit it only to that :) There also might appear tutorials/vlogs about astrophotography, might be worth subscribing! :D There are alread 2 vids waiting for you: one about spring equinox and one about Tiangong-1! Hope to see you there! Link to the channel: Also: I would try catching ISS thru telescope today, but 20 minutes before it passing, clouds came and now whole sky is covered with them :/

ISS exposure 03.04.2018 9:39 PM

Hello! Today, I caught ISS! In the picture, you can also see Orion basically touching the horizon and also Pleiades on the right. This picture is made out of 3 pictures: two parts of ISS and also part with me in here as I wasn't fast enaugh to set everything up that so I can take it in 1 pic :/ ISO: 400 Exposure: 2x30s ISS, 1x30s me Location: Warsaw Thre was another appearance of ISS on my sky around 11:16 PM but over very light polluted area of the sky and also very low... I might try to catch it again tomorrow! maybe I can get the whole thing in 1 shot!