The Grand Return: Ring Nebula - 06/07/2024

Hello! Welcome, after a long long time.. Over 5 years and 10 months of no posts.. I haven't been doing astrophotography over the years due to mental health reasons.. but I am now back, and better than ever! MUCH better in fact! I can't believe how many mistakes I've been making in the past! Current situation: I'm currently upgrading my gear, so my setup is quite cursed right now.. I recently bought an Orion Mini 50mm guide scope, a ZWO ASI462MM camera, and an OnStep upgrade kit for my EQ-5 mount. The last one, unforunately, has not arrived yet.. but I really wanted to try out the camera and guidescope! So last night I tried using the telescope by using the guidescope with the cam as basically an electronic finderscope, and then once on target - I moved the camera from the guidescope to the main scope.. which was kind of a problem, because of focusing and the telescope moving ever so slightly! The FOV of my telescope with that camera is super narrow, so hitting the tar...