
Showing posts from December, 2017

Sun 30.12.2017 plage and sunspot 2692

Hello! Today, I woke up and I've seen COMPLETLY cloudless sky! :D I put my telescope in front of the building and took a photo of the Sun. I did not check if there are any sunspots before taking the pic. I got home and plugged my Canon EOS 1300D to my PC to get the photos into Deep Sky Stacker for some editing. It turned out I caught sunspot 2692 and a plage ! Plage is bright part of Sun's atmosphere. I veryfied it with  .     ISO: 100      Location: Warsaw

Moon 29.12.2017 (sharp)

Even clouds couldn't stop me! When I was walking my dogs, I noticed some cracks in the clouds and Moon getting thru them! I went straight way home and got the telescope into the garden. It turned out that it was worth it! Next time there will be clouds, I would pay more attention if Moon is trying to get thru. The main problem was timing, I had to switch exposure time very fast and often keeping in mind 2 seconds of timer (I set it so telescope does not shake after clicking the trigger). In fact, I think I took one of my sharpest Moon pictures for now! It was a bit overexposured in one place but I fixed it with Deep Sky Stacker :)          ISO: 400    Location: Warsaw phase: Waxing Gibbous 84% Close up view on south pole. I also tried to catch eartshine besides big phase, no luck there unfortunatelly :/

Moon 26/27.12.2017

Here are two photos of Moon, one from 26th of december and the other one from 27th. The phase on 26th was 54% and on 27th 64%. This phase is called Waxing Gibbous :) synta 6" on dobson mount, Canon EOS 1300D. Of course, near Warsaw's border. ISO and exposure time doesn't really matters as it depends on exact moment and place :/ I also tried catching earthshine, but with no success... Earthshine is earths light reflected on Moon which makes the unlighten side visible a tiny bit. I will try using something like a coronograph to hide lighten side next time (idea I got today, not sure if it's gonna work)  54% 64% Earthshine catch try: if you look closely you can see it, but it's not what I want to get :/

Orion Nebula 26.12.2017

Hi again! On december 26th, from capital of Poland, Warsaw,  I took that photo of Orion Nebula! :D It's 6x30s of exposure and 13 dark frames. Would be more, but others were a bit unclear :/ The ISO here is 1600. I used synta 6" on EQ-5 with one axis motor and Canon EOS 1300D. Edited in Deep Sky Stacker, and mobile version on Light Room :)

Starting an astrophotography blog!

Hello there! On this blog, I will be posting my tries on astrophotography! If you want to support me, you can do that on my patreon (link will appear soon)! I also have gaming youtube channel over at  :) For now, I will upload some of my past photos.  This is how clear sky is on my plot  Northern lights 1st attempt  same attempt, just a photo earlier  Orion  another Aurora Borealis  and another one this is probably the best one I took  another Orion  Jupiter with stripes and Big Red Spot, took holding phone in front of eyepiece  1st out of 3 Super Moons  Saturn, just as Jupiter, taken with phone in front of eyepiece  Ring Nebula (old DSLR, first attempt) Andromeda Galaxy (old DSLR, first attempt)