
Showing posts from August, 2018

Saturn and Mars THRU WEBCAM! 27/28.08.2018

Hello! Yesterday I got a chance to try out my webcam that I modded for astrophoto. I am on vacation in italy at the moment, the planets are higher in the sky here so I get less atmospheric disturbance. Gotta say, the webcam was a great investment :) I might try again tonight tho, with barlow so I can get a better res :D Mars isn't as good tho, I'll try to get a better one tonight :) Skywatcher 150/1200 on EQ-5 with 1 axis drive Modified Logitech C270 Infrared filter

MUCH better Andromeda Galaxy IN COLOR! [M31] 17/18.08.2018

Hello! Recently I posted an Andromeda pic that I've taken, however, it was very noisy and overall quality of it wasn't as good as I wanted.... so I decided to try again! It turned out waaayyy better this time! Got a much clearer pic :) However I still could get better focus on it... This time I used a new for me post processing program called PixInsight (got the 45 day demo version) and that was a great decision! I could get a lot more detail out of it than just in registax... and also the awesome color! I had a little bt of trouble with color at first tho, however people from "Astrophotography and Co." discord server (invite link at the bottom of this post) helped me out and I was able to get THAT much color :D Enjoy! (I am still experimenting with the watermark, tell me if it's better this time!) 63x45s ISO 1600 Canon 1300D Skywatcher 152/1200 + EQ-5 1 axis motor Location: plot Invite to Astrophotography and Co. discord server:


As you could see, the blog got updated a bit. From now on, I'll be putting a watermark on my photos, it won't be too big so it won't be a problem I think :) I also have an instagram account where you can see sneak peeks of my photos (not all and without a fancy description ;) ). It's @dartfrog_astrophoto if you wanna check it out :D I am also getting a new webcam in a day or two that I will mod specifically for astrophoto of planets, expect nice Saturn, Mars (the storm is clearing out slowly!) and possibly also Jupiter and Venus soon! That's it for now, clear skies!

Andromeda Galaxy [M31] 7/8.8.2018

Hello again! This time with a bit further galaxy, our neighbour - the Andromeda galaxy! I was waiting the whole yesterday for the night to come. When it got dark enough that the Milky Way became visible, I out my telescope out. Due to incredible amount of mosquitoes, it wasn't an easy task... doing polar alignment was quite a challenge! It also wasn't as perfect as I would want it to, I had to correct the position of the telescope once. I also underestimated how big Andromeda really is on our sky! It took the whole frame! Unfortunately, due to not that perfect polar alignment you can see the effect of it on the sides :/ I'll do it better next time! 112x30s ISO: 3200 Synta 6" on EQ-5 Canon 1300D Stacked in registax and adjusted in lightroom-like progran from Canon. If you want a comparison between what pictures I am taking now and what I was taking a year ago, check out first post on the blog!

Milkyway selfie, panorama and timelapse! 6/7.8.2018

Hello! Those of you who are following my little science channel (that kinda stopped some time ago, but I'll try bringing it back to life!) already seen the timelapse, but that is not the only thing I have in here! First, the milkyway selfie :D This is a single just a single frame taken from the tripod! I later also adjusted it in a lightroom-like program that came with my camera. I adjusted it to two versions: one with milkyway visible nicely and another with the rest. Then, I connected them together in getting this image :) I've gotta say, standing still for 30 seconds is hard while being eaten by mosquitoes... 1x30s ISO 3200 Canon 1300D kit lense + tripod Next up: Milky way timelapse! That's the one you could have seen on youtube. This shows 10 minutes of Milky way movement on the sky as well as some meteors. Each frame is 30 seconds and there are 20 frames, all adjusted in that canon lightroom-like program and then put together into a video in vegas ...