Milkyway selfie, panorama and timelapse! 6/7.8.2018

Hello! Those of you who are following my little science channel (that kinda stopped some time ago, but I'll try bringing it back to life!) already seen the timelapse, but that is not the only thing I have in here! First, the milkyway selfie :D

This is a single just a single frame taken from the tripod! I later also adjusted it in a lightroom-like program that came with my camera. I adjusted it to two versions: one with milkyway visible nicely and another with the rest. Then, I connected them together in getting this image :) I've gotta say, standing still for 30 seconds is hard while being eaten by mosquitoes...

ISO 3200
Canon 1300D kit lense + tripod

Next up: Milky way timelapse! That's the one you could have seen on youtube. This shows 10 minutes of Milky way movement on the sky as well as some meteors. Each frame is 30 seconds and there are 20 frames, all adjusted in that canon lightroom-like program and then put together into a video in vegas pro 14.

ISO: 3200
Canon 1300D kit lense + tripod

...and the last one for this post: the panorama! To be honest it was a total test, I just thought I want to try and make a panorama and shoot pictures all round... then on the PC adjusted every picture in a program and then a program called Hugin put it together into a panorama. It turned out way better than I expected!

ISO 3200
Canon 1300D kit lense + tripod

(link to a bigger version:

Location: my plot


  1. Woah, Those are some nice pics. Im using one lf those as my desktop backround! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks :) will definietly keep it up, I'd take some Saturn and Mars pics with freshly modded webcam but it might be stormy :/ on Earth, not Mars :p


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