Andromeda Galaxy [M31] 7/8.8.2018
Hello again! This time with a bit further galaxy, our neighbour - the Andromeda galaxy!
I was waiting the whole yesterday for the night to come. When it got dark enough that the Milky Way became visible, I out my telescope out. Due to incredible amount of mosquitoes, it wasn't an easy task... doing polar alignment was quite a challenge! It also wasn't as perfect as I would want it to, I had to correct the position of the telescope once. I also underestimated how big Andromeda really is on our sky! It took the whole frame! Unfortunately, due to not that perfect polar alignment you can see the effect of it on the sides :/ I'll do it better next time!
ISO: 3200
I was waiting the whole yesterday for the night to come. When it got dark enough that the Milky Way became visible, I out my telescope out. Due to incredible amount of mosquitoes, it wasn't an easy task... doing polar alignment was quite a challenge! It also wasn't as perfect as I would want it to, I had to correct the position of the telescope once. I also underestimated how big Andromeda really is on our sky! It took the whole frame! Unfortunately, due to not that perfect polar alignment you can see the effect of it on the sides :/ I'll do it better next time!
ISO: 3200
Synta 6" on EQ-5
Canon 1300D
Stacked in registax and adjusted in lightroom-like progran from Canon.
Canon 1300D
Stacked in registax and adjusted in lightroom-like progran from Canon.
If you want a comparison between what pictures I am taking now and what I was taking a year ago, check out first post on the blog!
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